4 commercial cleaning services your business needs for winter

From the roadside, how does your business look? A little worse for wear in the wintertime? Regular commercial cleaning improves site presentation and meets your ongoing health and safety obligations.

When a potential customer pulls up will they be impressed by what they see, or drive on by?

Your business front or premises are important not only for your company’s image but reputation too.

And it’s not just the cleaning and maintenance of the exterior of your business – it’s the interior as well. Often, the interior of buildings can be overlooked, but just like the exterior, it all works together to give people an impression of your business.

Every season brings with it joys – and cleaning woes!

Summer brings dust, weeds, and heat which can make gardens look a little shrivelled. Winter brings mould, moisture, and plenty more causes for problems.

Your business premises are part of your image – a representation of your business, reputation, and brand. Winter is an important and often forgotten time to keep on top of things. To help you we have put together four important commercial cleaning services you should tick off your list this winter.

Mould, moss and algae removal

At times, your premises will suffer from mould, moss, algae, and lichen on the exterior of your building. It can be unsightly, but it can also create other problems that can get very expensive!

But it’s not only the building exterior that you should be wary of for moss, mould, and more – it’s the inside you should be concerned about too.

Mould, moss and algae don’t just grow on the exterior of a building, it gets inside and on roofs and in gutters.

Professionals know exactly where to look for it, what chemicals to use for best results, and will have the equipment for those hard to reach areas.

With mould, moss, and algae, you do need to keep it under control and get on to as soon as you see it. Left untreated – you will end up with a whole host of problems! We all know about the health problems growths that moss and mould can create.

With regular maintenance of your building, you can eliminate these problems. With professional commercial cleaning services you can prevent the reoccurrence of mould, mildew, lichen, moss, algae, and all other sorts of nasties that decrease the look and longevity of your building.

It’s a good idea to have a treatment done every change of season to keep your workplace in good shape and prevent a host of other problems popping up.

For fast and effective moss and mould removal, we can treat all areas in and around industrial and commercial buildings.

Floor Maintenance

Winter is also the perfect time to have your floor cleaned when moisture and winter viruses are at a peak. By floor maintenance, we don’t mean just having a deep clean done, but tending to any repairs too.

The condition of your flooring is important for many reasons. If you’re not keeping up with regular maintenance then you should look at it from a health and safety perspective. A floor that isn’t maintained can increase the potential for workplace accidents, spread germs, and much more.

If you’re worried about a loss in production, an experienced team of commercial cleaners can work in and around your operations efficiently, causing minimal disruption to production.

Experienced commercial cleaners will understand the best products to use and how to do repairs for flooring.

If you’re not sure where to start with your flooring – then give us a call to assess your flooring. We are available 24/7 to provide flooring maintenance and cleaning.

Graffiti Removal

While Graffiti can happen year-round, winter is a good time to do something about it. Graffiti is frustrating – it has a real effect on the image of your business and reputation.

That’s why it is one of our 4 commercial cleaning services you should have done this winter! It goes hand in hand with the image and presentation of your outdoor area, and in wintertime, things can look a bit sad and tired.

The sight of graffiti can also encourage more graffiti – so the quicker you get on to it the better, to project an image of cleanliness and care on the outside. It also indicates what is reflected inside your building and your business.

Graffiti can be tough to remove and unless it’s a small amount – it shouldn’t be something you attempt yourself where you could cause more damage.

What surface the graffiti is on will depend on what chemicals to use and the correct removal method. If you want to remove graffiti without damaging your property further – the best place to start is with professionals.

Anti-microbial Treatment

An anti-microbial treatment is a must-have commercial cleaning service during winter as it removes all the build-up of bugs, bacteria, and a whole lot of other nasty unseen items, that have built up over time.

It is an important treatment used in many food manufacturing businesses – bakeries, breweries, dairy farming, food production, and many other commercial businesses.

Beyond food production, it should be done regularly to help maintain a safe and healthy environment for customers and staff.

An anti-microbial treatment is a specialist treatment that decontaminates and removes harmful bacteria. It is a must-have commercial cleaning service, especially during winter when bacteria can spread quickly.

Keeping on top of cleanliness in your business really does affect your overall image and business reputation.

With routine maintenance and servicing, you can plan and budget for any repair costs.

An investment in your building now will preserve your asset and protect the occupants of your building. You will have the assurance that your building and environment maintain a healthy, clean and safe place to work.

We can improve your business asset with commercial cleaning services

Health and safety is a core focus of ours, and that’s why we have suggested these 4 commercial cleaning services. Having a clean, healthy, and safe workplace is beneficial for everyone from management to staff and customers.

A business image, reputation, and identity can all be affected by the way it is presented. All our staff have knowledge and experience in all areas of commercial cleaning. Our team are specially trained for confined spaces, difficult and hard to reach areas. We understand that no two businesses are the same and require different cleaning techniques.

We can help you create a tailored maintenance plan for your business, or help you with one-off services like graffiti removal.

Give us a call to talk more about your business and how our regular commercial cleaning service can work for you.

The post 4 commercial cleaning services your business needs for winter appeared first on Rapid Facility Services.

This content was originally published here.