6 Simple Steps To Creating a Commercial Cleaning Sales Plan

How to create a commercial cleaning sales plan, this can apply to commercial cleaning, carpet cleaning and janitorial services. We are going to cover 6 steps to creating a dedicated sales plan we can follow every day, month and year. A sales plan is meant to be a living document that as we learn will be updated and improved over time.

  • Step 1 What is our objective or financial goal?
  • Step 2 What Resources are available, what is your commitment level?
  • Step 3 Targeting, who are the types of businesses you will focus on?
  • Step 4 Services, what services will you focus on?
  • Step 5 Activity Log- What physical actions will you take on a daily/weekly/monthly rotation
  • Step 6 Training- What Training do you need to accomplish your goals?

Step 1 What is our objective or financial goal?

First step to consider is how much revenue or profit do we want to generate in a year? $50K, $100K or even a million. Its important to start here because some of the other answers can completely change based on this answer

Step 2 What Resources are available, what is your commitment level?

Some of these questions are how many hours day/week/month are you willing to commit to this campaign. How much money can you spend monthly on marketing and advertising? What is the number of business leads you need?

Step 3 Targeting, who are the types of businesses you will focus on?

This question can be separated into 2 main categories: Industry, specific business target or a geographic target. For example you want to target churches or medical buildings. The geographic way would be hitting every business in a zip code, town, radius.

account based marketing commercial cleaning

Step 4 Services, what services will you focus on?

This section works hand in hand with step 3 of which businesses to target. Some services fit better with certain targets. For example churches and professional offices are great for carpet cleaning with encapsulation and VCT.

Step 5 Activity Log- What physical actions will you take on a daily/weekly/monthly rotation.

a.            Cold call
20 business per week

b.            Phone
call 40 businesses per week

c.             Make 20
connections on linkedin per week

d.            Run 1
facebook ad mon-fri for $5 per day

e.            Post 1
article on social media per month

f.             Write 1
blog per month

g.            Shoot 2
videos per month

h.            Mail each qualified lead/prospect 2x per year

how to sell commercial cleaning contracts

Step 6 Training- What Training do you need to accomplish your goals?

Sales & Marketing Training can be split up in 3 basic


Short Term

Long Term

In conclusion we can accomplish our goals whatever they are but the first step is creating an outline to follow, a roadmap to success.

This content was originally published here.